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Volume 3(2)/2011

First pages, 2011 AES Bioflux 3(2):i-viii.

Rosu C., Naghiu R., Onofrei C., 2011 Impact of urban landfill on soil quality. Case study towns: Aiud and Gura-Humorului. AES Bioflux 3(2):69-82.

Szanto M., Micle V., Prodan V.C., 2011 Study on optimal application of the ex-situ soil washing method to remove metals from polluted soils. AES Bioflux 3(2):83-90.

Nour E., Gagiu A. C., Arghius V. I., Botezan C. S., Roman E. G., Ozunu A., 2011 Damages caused by floods and flash-floods upon critical infrastructures. Case study: Maramures county (Romania). AES Bioflux 3(2):91-98.

Rugina C., Lupu C., Neamtiu I. A., Neagu M.-C., Dumitrascu I., Gurzau E. S., 2011 Environmental health risk assessment of VOC's. AES Bioflux 3(2):99-107.

Calin D. I., Rosu C., 2011 Drinking water quality assessment of rural wells from Aiud Area. AES Bioflux 3(2):108-122.

Mihaiescu R., Mihaiescu T., Ajtai N., Torok Z., Ozunu A., 2011 Air quality modelling as a tool used in selecting technological alternatives for developing a new abrasive facility. AES Bioflux 3(2):123-128.

Cojocariu C., Robu B., Barjoveanu G., Teodosiu C., 2011 Environmental assessment of pollution with detergents in the Prut River Basin, Romania. AES Bioflux 3(2):129-139.

Prodan V. C., Micle V., Szanto M., 2011 Application of thermal desorption treatment method to threat soil contaminated with hazardous chemicals. AES Bioflux 3(2):140-147.

Rusu O. A., Begy R. C., Bobos L. D., Dreve S., Cosma C., 2011 Determination of long-lived radionuclides in water by alpha spectrometry. AES Bioflux 3(2):148-155.

Varga I. M., Balc R., Malos C. V., Samsudean C., Borbei F., 2011 Waste dumps rehabilitation measures based on physico-chemical analyses in Zaghid mining area (Salaj County, Romania). AES Bioflux 3(2):156-166.

Pascu R., Sofronie R., 2011 Durability of critical infrastructures. AES Bioflux 3(2):167-186.

Pisoi I., Manea F., Masu S., Savii C., Burtica G., 2011 Removal of organic load and suspended solids from water by electrocoagulation method. AES Bioflux 3(2):187-193.

Popita G. E., Popovici A., Hategan R. M., 2011 Developing a municipal urban waste management integrated system in Cluj County. AES Bioflux 3(2):194-205.

Florescu D., Iordache A., Piciorea I., Ionete R. E., 2011 Assessment of heavy metals contents in soil from an industrial plant of southern part of Romania. AES Bioflux 3(2):206-210.

Mesescu A. A., Mara S., 2011 Landslide hazard zoning at regional level – Vâlcea County case study. AES Bioflux 3(2):211-223.

Florescu C. G., Florescu C. V., 2011 Strategic elements for an evaluation of extreme events risks. AES Bioflux 3(2):224-228.

Nita D. C., Cosma C., Begy R. C., 2011 New data for Cesium from soil in Cluj-Napoca town after Cernobyl accident. AES Bioflux 3(2):229-235.

Research Center for Disaster Management, Cluj-Napoca.

18.07.2011. 09:59

AES Bioflux

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