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Pilot (a)

Volume Pilot (a)/2007 (December, 30)

Contents (1 article, 17 pages)

Gagyi Palffy A., 2007 [Natura 2000 network]. AES Bioflux Pilot (a): 1-17. [In Romanian]

Abstract. International commitments to the development of networks of protected areas date from 1972, within the Stockholm Declaration from the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Here it was endorsed the protection of representative examples of all major ecosystem types as a fundamental recuirement of national conservation programs. Since then the efforts to protect the areas in danger have continued. The Birds Directive adopted in 1979 and the Habitat Directive, 1992, are basis of the creation of the Natura 2000 network. Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas located throughout its Member states and represents the most important initiative ever undertaken by Europe to protect areas important for species and their natural habitats. The objective is to slow down biodiversity depletion from 2010. The paper presents the community and national legal base for the implementation of Natura 2000 network. It is highlighted the implementation of Natura 2000 network in Harghita county (Romania). Each EU Member State, Romania as well, must compile a list of the best wildlife areas containing the habitats and species listed in the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive. This list must then be submitted to the European Commission, after which an evaluation and selection process on European level will take place in order to become a Natura 2000 site.

Keywords: Natura 2000 network, legislation, implementation, case study, Harghita county.

AES Bioflux

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Volume Pilot (a)/2007 (December, 30) - available printed only